Embracing LOVE in the Food System

A thriving community-based local food economy is where we can strive for more loving relationships with land, water, plants, animals, fish, farm workers, food workers, and fisher folk. In addition, a local food economy keeps our money locally and increases our chances of accessing more nutrition-dense healthy food, respecting food traditions, and addressing the climate crisis.  

At the beginning of each week, carefully curated reading materials and videos are introduced online. At the end of the week, participants gather for in-person skill building workshops and facilitated conversations. We’ve tailored the program to be appropriate for all individuals interested in contributing to a thriving local food economy.

The course is an opportunity to gain and expand your:

  • knowledge on the connection between global and local food systems 

  • concrete skills to ground food sovereignty in your own daily practices

  • network in the local community for shared interest

  • sense of oneness with Mother Earth

At the end, participants will be ready to take concrete actions towards building food sovereignty in their own communities, and to contribute to a thriving local and global food economy!

Embracing LOVE in the Food System: Weekly Theme

introduction to system change

Start the intensive by building common foundations on changing the game, or system.

labor, processing and policy

No farmer, no food! Yet the number of farmers are decreasing and the working conditions of the food workers are notoriously poor. Why? What can we do about it?

power of story

Stories we tell ourselves determine how we experience and shape the reality around us. We review our current stories and start building the story for our future.

transportation, trade, and globalization

Food has to be transported from where they are harvested to our homes — often from very far away. What does it mean for us? What’s an alternative?

where are we and how did we get here?

Is our current food system serving us well? Is it equitable, healthy, and just? How did our food system become the way it is?

distribution, retail, consumption, & disposal

Why do many grocery stores carry the same products? What’s behind our sense of choices? Let’s wise up as consumers!

where are we and how did we get here?

Is our current food system serving us well? Is it equitable, healthy, and just? How did our food system become the way it is?

getting into action!

Ready to take an action to infuse a little more LOVE in your local food system? You’ll learn some practical community engagement tools and design your own actions!