Everyone’s Food Sovereignty Alliance is a community forum based in Olympia, Washington, USA.
When COVID-19 hit the US in the spring of 2020, the founder of the Everyone’s Food Sovereignty Alliance, Megumi, stood in front of empty shelves at Olympia Food Co-op - where she worked then -- and thought she needed to do something to take food system back in the hands of people, thus “everyone’s food sovereignty”.
Her love for food, years of experience in education, as well as knowledge in the food and global justice movements all came together to start this community forum.
Welcome to the Alliance! We look forward to working with you because food sovereignty is for everyone!
Founder, Megumi Sugihara
PhD in Human Development: inquired deeply in to the cross road between global justice activism and non-dual consciousness
Adult education Program Designer and Facilitator: over 25 years of experience in leadership and intercultural training for higher education, corporate, and non-profit clients
Long term Food Justice Activist: former board member, San Luis Valley Local Food Coalition; founding board community-at-large observer, Valley Roots Food Hub; former staff at GRuB and at Olympia Food Co-op; former research volunteer for AGRA Watch at Community Alliance for Global Justice.
Pachamama Alliance supporter since 2012. Introduced Game Changer Intensive to Japan 2015-2016
Senior Facilitator, Personal Leadership: Making a World of Difference
Foodie, Home Baker, Fermenter, Personal Cook for hire, occasional Translator/Interpreter (e.g. Japanese translation team member for Paul Hawken’s Drawdown and Regeneration), Global Nomad (lived, worked, studied in Ethiopia, Germany, and Japan - native country- as well as USA. Currently developing more ties with Guatemala), beginner Forager, stubborn Gardener, Piano music enthusiast, and forever a devotee of Tenbu, the cat.